Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Hypermedia & Technology-Enhanced Learning—Meta World
Journal of Hypermedia & Technology-Enhanced Learning—Meta World

This issue has been published. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 33 authors from 6 institutions in 2 countries.  Universitas Negeri Padang (Indonesia ), Ravenshaw University (India ), Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung (Indonesia ), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia ), Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang (Indonesia ), and Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (Indonesia ).


Optimizing Scholarship Recipient Selection in Vocational High Schools: A Strategic Approach with the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method
Rahmatia Wulan Dari (1), Ilmawati (2), Yesri Elva (3)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i2.114
Abstract viewed: 308 times
PDF downloaded: 181 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (80-90)

Insights into Online Education: Examining UG Students' Perceptions
Anirudha Jena (1)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i2.115
Abstract viewed: 309 times
PDF downloaded: 174 times
Open Access PDF (ENG)

pp. (91-100)

Designing a Desktop Application for Ship Monitoring and AIS Data Storage Based on RTL-SDR and Raspberry Pi Using Python and PyQt
Muhammad Abiraihan (1), Rizkayeni Marta (2), Syukhri (3), Hadi Kurnia Saputra (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i2.118
Abstract viewed: 760 times
PDF downloaded: 55 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (101-121)

Exploring the Impact of Implementing Project-Based Learning Assisted by Multisim on Student Learning Outcomes in the PISAV Subject at SMK Negeri 1 West Sumatra
Fadhila Az Zahra (1), Ilmiyati Rahmy Jasril (2), Delsina Faiza (3), Thamrin (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i2.119
Abstract viewed: 280 times
PDF downloaded: 203 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (122-133)

Exploring the Impact of Tinkercad-Assisted Learning on Student Performance in Industrial Electronics Subject
Asbendri BL (1), Sartika Anori (2), Ika Parma Dewi (3), Efrizon (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i2.124
Abstract viewed: 400 times
PDF downloaded: 232 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (134-48)

Development of an Online Platform for Lesson Scheduling and Grade Management at MAN 1 Padang Using Waterfall Methodology
Surya Sahputra (1), Lativa Mursyida (2), Denny Kurniadi (3), Syukhri (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i2.131
Abstract viewed: 214 times
PDF downloaded: 172 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (148-165)

E-JASBIO: Development of Canva-Based Electronic Module to Enhance Environmental Awareness for Students
Nukhbatul Bidayati Haka (1), Sagita Nia Marfuah (2), Anisa Oktina Sari Pratama (3), Nur Hidayah (4), Hardiyansyah Masya (5), Yuni Astuti (6)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i2.121
Abstract viewed: 181 times
PDF downloaded: 161 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (166-181)

The Impact of Problem-Based Learning Model with Focus Group Discussion Method on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Basic Vocational Subjects
Safitri Agustin (1), Hanesman (2), Efrizon (3), Hendra Hidayat (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.135
Abstract viewed: 241 times
PDF downloaded: 135 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (182-193)

Development of Network Infrastructure Monitoring System at Vocational High School Using MikroTik and Telegram Integration
Bayu Pratama (1), Zulhendra (2), Ahmaddul Hadi (3), Lativa Mursyida (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.133
Abstract viewed: 374 times
PDF downloaded: 233 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (194-208)

Investigating the Dynamics of Learning Discipline and Environment on the Academic Outcomes of Class X TAV Students at SMKN 1 Linggo Sari Baganti
Ravi Syaputra (1), Almasri (2), Thamrin (3), Delsina Faiza (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.125
Abstract viewed: 174 times
PDF downloaded: 114 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (209-228)