J-HyTEL blueprint was prepared in August 2021. This marked the initial step towards establishing a platform dedicated to exploring and disseminating knowledge in the field of technology and education.
J-HyTEL editorial team was assembled.
J-HyTEL was developed in August 2022.
J-HyTEL stands for Journal of Hypermedia & Technology-Enhanced Learning (J-HyTEL).
J-HyTEL officially launched in December 2022.
J-HyTEL started operations with the address: http://edutech-journals.org/index.php/j-hytel.
J-HyTEL officially becomes a member of Crossref & RJI.
J-HyTEL indexed by Google Scholar.
J-HyTEL officially has E-ISSN: 2985-9166.
J-HyTEL collaborates with Digital Society Lab (IFDT).
J-HyTEL officially indexed by Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA).
J-HyTEL officially indexed by Dimensions, Semantic Scholar, and WorldCat.
J-HyTEL officially changed publisher to Sagamedia Teknologi Nusantara (SAGAMETA).