Online-First ArticlesOnline-First Articles (also known as Articles in Press) provide early online access to manuscripts that have been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication but are not yet assigned to a specific issue or volume. These articles may undergo minor revisions, such as formatting or metadata updates, before their final publication. Each article is assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI), allowing for immediate citation. We recommend citing these articles as follows: Author(s), Article Title, Journal Name (Year), and DOI. Once an article is assigned to a specific volume or issue, its Online-First version (or Articles in Press) will be replaced by the final published version. The article will be moved to the designated volume or issue and removed from the Online-First section. At this point, all remaining bibliographic details will be added. Authors will receive notifications about any updates related to their articles. We encourage authors to regularly check the Online-First Articles section to stay informed about their work. Notifications will be sent when an article is assigned to a specific volume or issue for formal publication. How does it work? Announcement. |