Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Hypermedia & Technology-Enhanced Learning—Hello World
Journal of Hypermedia & Technology-Enhanced Learning—Hello World

This issue has been published. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 10 authors from 5 institutions in Indonesia.  Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Kosgoro (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh (Indonesia), Universitas Negeri Padang (Indonesia), Universitas Lancang Kuning (Indonesia), and SMK Negeri 1 Solok (Indonesia).


EDITORIAL: Front Matter (Cover, Preface, Note from the Editor, Table of Contents)

Abstract viewed: 8 times
PDF downloaded: 5 times
Open Access PDF (ENG) pp. (i-iii)


Decision Support System for Employee Loans using Simple Additive Weighting Method
Handayani Metha Putri (1)
DOI : 10.58536/j-hytel.v1i2.31
Abstract viewed: 154 times
PDF downloaded: 148 times
Open Access PDF (IND) pp. (69-78)

Development of Octopus Pocket Educational Game Tool to Enhance Children's Fine Motor Skills
Cut Fitriyanti (1), Jamaliah Hasballah (2), Hijriati (3)
DOI : 10.58536/j-hytel.v1i2.48
Abstract viewed: 302 times
PDF downloaded: 170 times
Open Access PDF (IND) pp. (79-90)

Prototyping a Secure Key Management System: Integrating RFID and Keypad Technologies for Enhanced Safe Protection
Hilda Maulida (1), Ihsan Riga Valendi (2), Olland Nugraha (3), Fadhli Ranuharja (4)
DOI : 10.58536/j-hytel.v1i2.73
Abstract viewed: 442 times
PDF downloaded: 316 times
Open Access PDF (IND) pp. (91-99)

Implementation of Android Learning Media in the Subject of Machine Elements: Analysis of Needs and Readiness
Fajar Maulana (1)
DOI : 10.58536/j-hytel.v1i2.70
Abstract viewed: 231 times
PDF downloaded: 121 times
Open Access PDF (IND) pp. (100-108)

Project-Based Learning Model Enhances Learning Outcomes in Computerized Accounting Subject (Case Study: SMK Negeri 1 Solok)
Refna Yetti (1)
DOI : 10.58536/j-hytel.v1i2.80
Abstract viewed: 142 times
PDF downloaded: 162 times
Open Access PDF (IND) pp. (109-117)