Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Journal of Hypermedia & Technology-Enhanced Learning—Tech Harmony
Journal of Hypermedia & Technology-Enhanced Learning—Tech Harmony

This issue has been published. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 22 authors from 3 institutions in 3 countries. Universitas Negeri Padang (Indonesia ), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru ), and Toyo University (Japan ).


Automatic Light Control System for Bathroom Using Arduino Uno
Ripo Winda Kusuma (1), Delsina Faiza (2), Thamrin (3), Sartika Anori (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.134
Abstract viewed: 589 times
PDF downloaded: 293 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (229-244)

The Impact of Self-Directed Learning on Student Motivation and Creativity in Electronics Education: A Correlational Study
Riki Wahyudi (1), Sartika Anori (2), Hendra Hidayat (3), Dedy Irfan (4), Erik Pezo (5), Xiaohan Feng (6)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.138
Abstract viewed: 316 times
PDF downloaded: 177 times
Open Access PDF (ENG)

pp. (245-260)

Design a Goods Delivery Service Application Using React Native
Adek Siti Nurhalizah (1), Geovanne Farell (2)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.139
Abstract viewed: 216 times
PDF downloaded: 136 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (261-284)

SIMPONIS: A Web-Based Student Violation Point Information System for Enhanced Efficiency and Transparency with an Early Warning Feature
Rahma Livamianti (1), Hadi Kurnia Saputra (2), Elfi Tasrif (3), Lativa Mursyida (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.147
Abstract viewed: 313 times
PDF downloaded: 159 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (285-303)

Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Motion Graphic Animation for Basic Photography Subject
Yayang Yusmaningsih (1), Vera Irma Delianti (2), Lativa Mursyida (3), Rizkayeni Marta (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.146
Abstract viewed: 298 times
PDF downloaded: 192 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (304-319)

Design and Implementation of an Arduino-Based Bluetooth-Controlled Shopping Trolley with Ultrasonic Sensor Integration
Muhammad Hanafi (1), Almasri (2)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.148
Abstract viewed: 161 times
PDF downloaded: 151 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (320-337)

Development of Digital Circuits Learning Media Using Articulate Storyline with the 4D Model
M. Zikrul Ansori (1), Delsina Faiza (2), Thamrin (3), Efrizon (4)

DOI: 10.58536/j-hytel.v2i3.145
Abstract viewed: 440 times
PDF downloaded: 167 times
Open Access PDF (IND)

pp. (338-351)