Development of Interactive Flipbook-Based E-Module for Teaching Algorithms and Basic Programming in Higher Education


4D Model
Distance Learning

How to Cite

Mahendri, R. P., Amanda, M., Latifah, U., & Rawas, S. (2023). Development of Interactive Flipbook-Based E-Module for Teaching Algorithms and Basic Programming in Higher Education. Journal of Hypermedia & Technology-Enhanced Learning (J-HyTEL), 1(1), 1–15.


Schools and universities still widely use printed books as learning resources. Electronic books can be an alternative to a digital learning resource. Electronic books are environmentally friendly (paperless) and do not need physical space for storage; they also have high mobility because they are easy to carry anywhere. This study aims to develop an e-module with animation effects and interactive multimedia that users can utilize with computers and smartphones. The developed e-module focuses on fundamental algorithms and programming courses. The development model is 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The media and material validation results from the developed digital interactive book-based e-module application were 89.00% (media) and 88.33% (material), with a very feasible category. The e-module readability test on 30 students was obtained by 81,00%, with the category also very feasible. So, we can conclude that developing an e-module based on digital books meets the needs and is highly feasible for use.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rama Putra Mahendri, Mita Amanda, Ulfi Latifah


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